Imperium Network Solutions is a market leader in the field of E-Commerce.
Our team carries out elaborate roles that combine to form solid backing in:

1. Comprehensive Marketing Strategies
  • Internet and Web Marketing and Media Strategies
  • Affiliate Management and Online Media Buying
  • Direct Marketing Campaigns
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Offline and Online Client Retention Marketing
  • Portal Development
  • Brand Development
2. All Inclusive Creative Services
And end to end service that incorporates:
  • Conceptualisation
  • Design, Development and Production
  • Supplier Management
3. Multi-language Global Support and Customer Service
We direct and manage all aspects of the Customer Service, employing only efficient and effective team members to carry out the processes. These processes include:
  • Interactive Online Support
  • Email Support and Client Management
  • Dedicated Multi-language Support in English, Spanish, Italian, French and German
4. Information Technology
This encompasses but is not limited to:
  • Thorough Reporting and Analysis for all aspects of the business
  • Web Development for client’s sites
  • Network infrastructure Design and Implementation
  • Maintenance and Administration of above
  • Ongoing security precautions, updates and maintenance
5. Fraud and Finance Management
  • E-cash and Finance Management encompassing detailed Fraud Detection Services:
  • Management of E-Commerce payment gateways
  • Management of Internet Fraud tools and systems